The multi-tube shop-assembled Dust collector Abhay Boilers consists of a housing containing a number of collection tubes, each of which is, in fact, a centrifugal dust collector. The dust laden gas entering the dirty air plenum moves downwards into the collecting tube, being guided by a helical veined annular ring. These vanes impart a smooth spiral movement to the gas, setting up a high centrifugal action.
As the gas descends in a cyclonic pattern, the dust is thrown outwards and is discharged through peripheral slots in a shave-off boot. A vortex is formed at the bottom of the centrifugal tube and the clean gas forms an inner whirl which ascends vertically into a discharge (outlet) tube, and then collectively out of the unit through the outlet plenum.
All the collectors are completely assembled to the extent practical for shipment, resulting in minimum erection man-hours and handling at the installation site.
Features & Benefits