is a completely free service where you can ask our network of healthcare professionals and doctors any for health-related query. Using medeCure, you can also schedule an appointment, get your e-health records, and have a never before consulting experience. You can get advices from top medical consultants and doctors, including cardiologists, gynecologists, dermatologists, dentist, and diabetologist—and all these are from the comfort of your home or office.
G-278, RAGHULEELA MALL, POISAR, KANDIVALI (W), MUMBAI, Mumbai - 400067, Maharashtra, India
534, 4th floor, Bombay Mutual Terrace, Opera House, Charni Road,, Mumbai - 400 007, Maharashtra, India
4/A - 1, Court Chambers, 35, New Marine Lines,, Mumbai - 400020, Maharashtra, India
Jeevan, Kashinath Dhuru Road, (Near Kirti College / Siddhivinayak Temple), Dadar (W), Mumbai - 400028, Maharashtra, India
Unit No. 402, 4th Floor, Glacis Building, Linking Road Khar West, Land Mark Avobe Industrial Bank,, Mumbai - 400052, Maharashtra, India