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We have a very good range of products Like SMPS Power supply, Biometric Attendence, Automatic School Timing Bell. CCTV Cameras like Analogue, HDCVI ,IP Camera's. DVR, CVR, NVR, HVR Etc. and Accessories. Now we have Analogue Cameras: 480, 600, 700, 720, 840,TVL, and P.T.Z: 480TVL, 700TVL, 1 Megha Pixel. Digital: HDCVI & IP camera Like: 1mp, 1.3mp, 2mp, 3mp and DVR: D1, WD1, 960H, CVR/NVR/HVR 1080p Resolution CVR & NVR For HDCVI & IP camera complete range and many more.